Discover the Secret to Money Manifesting that works.
It is so easy to go into a nervous panic when there's more month and no money! We have all been there. If you are ready to turn around old ways of relating to money, then this is for you.
Once you register for the manifest money meditations, you'll receive instant access to the most powerful chakra manifestation work on money Tori has created so far.

7 Easy Chakra Meditations to Manifest Money
Download and start right away! If you need to focus your energy and clear anything in the way of your receiving money, this fun, short and fast paced meditation collection will get your chakras activated fast.

If money feels like a leaky faucet, or a clogged pipe and it is holding you back from:
- moving in the right direction on an exciting project.
- learning a specific spiritual system to attract money
- affording that dream vacation your family, parents or friends deserve..
Tori’s 7-day Chakra meditations to Attract Money series is ALL you need to turn on the faucet and remove the clog or anything else in your way.

As a Member OR Participant of Masterworks Healing Prediction Week You will Receive:

You get TWO extra bonus meditations exclusively for being a part of Masterworks Healing Predictions week:
Setting a bedtime intention, is a short evening meditation to inspire you to step into the state of a blissful sleep while your angels and guides make energetic connections you will need to attract money into your life. Your soul rest will keep the vibrational frequency open while allowing the universe to work on your behalf during your slumber.
This is a grounding meditation to prepare you for the day ahead so you will be open to opportunities that you might not otherwise see. Preparing yourself for money to flow in is as simple as tapping into the chakra that will need to support you for the day. Get ready! This meditation will summon money from unexpected sources!
And, when the system records that you have completed ALL 7 meditations…
You will receive as a gift from me, my personal favorite and #1 Best Selling Meditation – Attracting New Clients

Get your Chakra activated to attract Money now!

Everything YOU need to attract Money with Ease is already inside you! Here are the 7 Chakra meditations you will receive:

Open Your Energy to Receive:
With the 1st Chakra
Pellentesque blandit, arcu vitae dapibus scelerisque, ex arcu iaculis ante, sed egestas dui sem at orci. Nullam eget mollis orci. Aenean sollicitudin ex at nulla imperdiet, quis venenatis enim porttitor.

Increase Your Money Capacity:
With the 2nd Chakra
Donec ultrices faucibus mi ut gravida. Nulla ornare condimentum varius. Aenean interdum odio ac elit mattis, ac auctor tellus consectetur. Etiam dictum non sapien in posuere.

Gain Permission to Be Wealthy:
With The 3rd Chakra
Sed vehicula tristique gravida. Donec euismod arcu neque, sit amet euismod lectus fringilla quis. Integer justo urna, hendrerit suscipit iaculis a, pulvinar nec tellus.

Awaken Your Inner Money Magnet:
With the 4th Chakra
Pellentesque blandit, arcu vitae dapibus scelerisque, ex arcu iaculis ante, sed egestas dui sem at orci. Nullam eget mollis orci. Aenean sollicitudin ex at nulla imperdiet, quis venenatis enim porttitor.

Invite Money into Your Life:
With the 5th Chakra
Donec ultrices faucibus mi ut gravida. Nulla ornare condimentum varius. Aenean interdum odio ac elit mattis, ac auctor tellus consectetur. Etiam dictum non sapien in posuere.

Attract Money from Unexpected Sources
With the 6th Chakra
Sed vehicula tristique gravida. Donec euismod arcu neque, sit amet euismod lectus fringilla quis. Integer justo urna, hendrerit suscipit iaculis a, pulvinar nec tellus.

Summon Money to Come to You Effortlessly
With the 7th Chakra
Donec ultrices faucibus mi ut gravida. Nulla ornare condimentum varius. Aenean interdum odio ac elit mattis, ac auctor tellus consectetur. Etiam dictum non sapien in posuere.

To sum it up, with the Masterworks Healing offer, you’ll get:

Remember, if you purchase the 7 Easy Chakra Meditations to Manifest Money
before January 15th, you’ll get the
special rate of $27.
It will be on the new website at $97.
Masterworks Healing Brings you Tori Hartman’s
7 Easy Chakra Meditations to Manifest Money
(at $27 – that’s less than the cost of 7 lattes – jus’ sayin’)
With Love,
Allana, Amber and Tori
PS And if you’re anything like us, then you’ll appreciate Tori’s short, yet experiential meditations which not only activate your chakra but offer you the ability to use your intuitive skills.